Work / Architecture Portfolio / THESIS - ABOUT TIME: REDRESSING THE RUNWAY
About Time: Redressing the Runway breaks down the fourth wall between consumption culture and the global fashion supply chain. Sited in the Brera courtyard arches of Milan, Italy, semi-transparent fabric draped as catenary arches as a runway set design transforms throughout the show to communicate flow, movement, excess, contamination, and suffocation associated with the fashion industry. The show is divided into three acts to immerse the audience in the fashion production process in its entirety to create awareness of the backstage conditions the everyday consumer doesn’t see. Walter Benjamin’s The Arcades Project and Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle offer philosophical insight into consumption and commentary on the arch typology as a symbol of the fetishization of commodified goods and experiences. Through presenting such issues in a theatrical format that reveals the “back of house” underbelly through a “front of house” runway presentation, the hope is to propose alternative solutions for a more sustainable and ethical practice.
Because of theatre's temporal qualities, Triciajane took a risk to take alternative approaches to the traditional design process with the support of her thesis readers. "This award has affirmed my interest in architecture, specifically in its power of storytelling in the realm of theatre and performance," she added.